What are the lowest costing digital SLR cameras out there? I'm looking for an SLR camera for Christmas.My mom won't spend over $300 though (I might be able to bargain with her though if it's a really good deal) The lowest price I'm seeing for SLRs is in the $500 range. What are the cheapest DSLRs out there? I'm not looking for professional quality, I just think SLRs are much better quality.So an "okay" SLR is probably better than my little digital Nikon Coolpix which takes pictures with terrible lighting.
So the absolute 100% cap for me is $350. I'll probably try and find a deal for it somewhere too like on craigslist or amazon or ebay.
If you don't think an SLR under $350 is possible, what other digital cameras are very nice for under $250?
>>> What's the most affordable DSLR camera?