Monday, October 15, 2012

Nikon Coolpix S203 Digital Camera as web cam?

Nikon Coolpix S203 Digital Camera as web cam?
>>> Nikon Coolpix S203 Digital Camera as web cam?

What's a good entry-level digital?

I'm finally moving away from point-and-shoot and want a nice quality, easy to use, entry level digital that won't break the bank. Simply a hobby, I'm not looking for anything real professional, as long as it leaves my Coolpix in the dust :)

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
>>> What's a good entry-level digital?

What I need to put a fisheye lens on my nikon coolpix l810?

Do I need someting.or what?
>>> What I need to put a fisheye lens on my nikon coolpix l810?

Nikon p510 / Canon t3i / Nikon J1?

I'm torn between what to get. Like, seriously torn. Dx.
Ok, instead of writing out a super duper long description, I'll narrow it down.
If I get the p510, I won't have to buy extra lenses that would be like an extra 200 or so bucks.It's cheaper than all three options and I like the bulkiness of it. Lol, it just makes me feel more pro or somehting.xD
If I get the Canon t3i, I heard that it has great image quality and colors, so that would be a plus in getting it. I haven't really played around much with it at all but i heard so many good things about it. I just am a little fiffy (who says fiffy these days xD) about the price of it. :/
And the Nikon J1, is pretty cool.My dad (who will also be using it) loves how light and portable it is. I love how much faster it is than all the three options I have but I don't like how the lenses it comes with is only a 3x zoom whereas the p510 is a massive 45x zoom. I didn't like the idea how I would have to pay like an extra 200$ or something for a better zoom lenses. But I just so love the fact that I can just press and hold and the great image quality is has.

I would really like it if you can add more good benefits each camera has and give me a reason why one is better than the rest. If I get one, I get it for a good 400$ and great zoom/no need to buy lenses. (p510) … If I get the other, I get great image quality and color and an a-o-k lenses but its too expensive.(t3i). .. . If Iget the other, I get amazing speed shutters but I prefer bulky cameras. :(

So if you know a Nikon or Canon (I only like those brands: P) thats like the J1, or have all the qualities I like with a good price, TELL ME. and tell me which one I should get too ^^ THanks :) Lol, this is stilll a narrowed down super long description xP
>>> Nikon p510 / Canon t3i / Nikon J1?

Coolpix 54000 cracked screen?

I found a crack on my coolpix touch screen and it has impaired some of its functions, and its getting bigger and more disfunctional.Is it possible to replace it or would it cost less to buy a new one.
Added (1). This is a relatively new camera, it's 12 megapixels and it's not the 5400, but the 54000
>>> Coolpix 54000 cracked screen?