Monday, December 3, 2012

Can I use lens of broken camera?

First of all, I had camera, like Nikon Coolpix S550 10 MP Digital Camera which didn't work, so I took it apart.It has a lens and I was wondering if I could somehow use it on my Sony HDR-CX110. Lens looks like this --> <---
and at the end, naturally had a sensor like this:
My first question is: The image what the sensor sees comes from the light rays which cross at the same point where the image sensor plane is and the information is sent to the camera, right? like so
---> image
Well, instead of the sensor, if I put focusing screen there, like those ones:
Question 2: If I change a sensor with focus screen: image, will the image appear on it? Like shown here: image

So I came up with a structure: image
Is it possible?
Please answer my 4 questions… (Forth question is with the image below)
Added (1). I already figured out how to play with zoom and focusing, all I need to know is - if the image will be projected to focusing screen…
>>> Can I use lens of broken camera?