Sunday, October 14, 2012

Nikon coolpix Aw100 reviews?

I am going diving in south Africa next summer and would really like a decent underwater digital camera to use whilst i am there. I have been lookingat the Nikon Aw100 camera which i know is a good make, but i dont really know much about photography.
i wanted to know how other people have got on with this camera and whether it's worth spending this amount of money on it?
the link to the camera is here:$s=Nikon%20Coolpix%20AW100?cm_mmc=GooglePPC-_-Digital-Compact-Cameras-_-Nikon-Coolpix-AW100-_-NULL&gclid=CJ-p6vnz_rICFcPHtAod7VEALw
Thankyou :)
>>> Nikon coolpix Aw100 reviews?