Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Is a SONY Camera best for removing Jitter & Distortion?

I have a Nikon Coolpix 4100, and the Pixel count is high, but you can read the reviews. Images are grainy, and video is shaky and distorted.

What is a good recommendation for (or what is the best CMOS?) the best CMOS to control stability, and never worry about grain? I want to be able to take low, and high light level images, and video. I am a perfectionist, and everything is played back on Sony XBR TV's, and any distortion is an eye sore.

Any thoughts? I would like to stay below $600, but will go to $900 if I have to. I want pictures and video, and want perfect color accuracy with as little distortion as possible in that price bracket. I dont mind if it is large or small. I prefer small, but I need "Quality". I need quality images from at least 5 feet to 100 feet with minimal noticeable difference in PQ (Picture Quality), if any at all.

Please, do not mention any forums for me to go. I need a great camera recommendation from someone who "knows".
Thank You!

EDIT: For an idea of the minimal quality I'm looking for (if you're into dance… ) search Youtube for "Adele Chibi". Though shot in 720P, I see minimal distortion compared to many 1080P Video Cameras.
>>> Is a SONY Camera best for removing Jitter & Distortion?