Sunday, April 7, 2013

I feel guilty for something I didn't do (look below)?

My mum got this camera for Christmas (coolpix) and hasn't used it yet because other people in my family have and I was using it to record and it finished and it just fell off and it's broken it was on a tripod and the table didn't move and I think the tripod slipped I don't know because I had my back turned so I went down and I didn't want to make my mom upset so I said 'I turned it off to turn something on without knocking it and when I turned it on it was broken' we took out the battery and everything and we knew it was broken and mum was sad because she didn't even get to take any pictures on it.It's under warranty but I feel really guilty because first of all I lied and second is even though I didn't knock it my guilty conconcious (sorry I can't spell that) is saying I did what should I do please respond as quickly as possible please

См. статью: I feel guilty for something I didn't do (look below)?