Thursday, November 22, 2012

What does CLOPIXOL do to a person (human being) when that person was/is normal?

What does COOLPIX do to a normal person? And what could be done to the person(s) that paid money to the Doctor foe such person to be injected with such injection? Please, does anybody know or could help please in anyway as this person seems to be struggling in life with complex issues for no reason at all, ecxept due to the paid injection :'(
Added (1). It was done in romania and his mother just did not like him, her own son as she ran and wanted to run his life then instead of him running it, and had him go along to a hospital and paid cash to the Doctor, and the nurses said to him to freely take the shot or he'll be strapped down to the bed by force and be given the shot
>>> What does CLOPIXOL do to a person (human being) when that person was/is normal?